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440 Amp 12/24/48 V Wind/Solar Battery Charge Controller
160A Amp Wind/Solar Diversion-Charge Load Controller With Meter
40A Amp Wind/Solar Diversion-Charge Load Controller No Enclosure
50A, 3 Three Phase Turbine Disconnect Switch with Brake

20 Pieces

3 Amp -- 40V  Super low loss Schottky Diodes

Prevents Reverse current flow (discharge), in Solar and DC wind turbines.

Works with 12 volt and 24 volt systems


This is a special Schottky type diode with a super low voltage drop, perfect for solar panels. Unlike a regular diode, this diode only gives up about a 1/3 of a volt at lower amps. Regular diodes can loose more than three times this, giving up your precious energy to heat!

Here is the manufacturer Datasheet on this diode IN5822.pdf

Compare this diode to the others being offered, and you will see it is many times more powerfull, and has a lower forward voltage drop. This is a super diode at an increadable price. They are brand new, we buy in huge quantaties and pass on the savings.

Why do I need a blocking diode? Solar panels require some form of reverse flow protection or they will discharge your batteries at night. DC wind turbines require a blocking diode or the batteries will actually attempt to turn the turbine backwards in light or no wind conditions. If you have a three phase AC output wind turbine, you do not need a blocking diode, instead you need a 3 phase rectifier, please see our store listings for three phase rectifiers. Solid state solar charge controllers often have built in reverse current flow prevention and therefor you may not need a blocking diode with some solid state charge controllers. Most diversion controllers utilizing relays and/or solenoids do not prevent reverse current flow, and thus a blocking diode is required with many diversion controllers. This blocking diode is also useful for single phase AC hydro and wind turbines.

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